Martin Cordsmeier



About me

What does "change the world" actually mean to you?!

We can change the world by changing many small worlds: The lives of individual people.
Humans created a society that is not human. Because it lacks the most critical piece: Enabling everyone to understand themselves and their actual goals. And then do something with it.

I’ve only had one goal my whole life: Convincing people that they have naturally valuable talents and that every personality makes sense – you just have to find the right place to do something with it. Every trait is a talent in the right team. But most people still need to remember or discover this simple fact for the first time.

Once we realize that, we no longer feel powerless/alone / like a small insignificant wheel in a crazy machine we don't understand. And then our life changes.

People talk a lot about this these days. About the loneliness epidemic, mental health, and how we’ll live in the future. But that’s only talking. We need something to enable everyone actually to start walking a new way!

I call myself a "practicing utopian". Because a world in which everyone does exactly what he loves is still a utopia. But an achievable one! We need utopias instead of all the scary dystopias out there. I have fought for this all my life, and I "practice" it in different ways. I never did anything else, so I’ll continue.


My way so far

What does my life have to do with yours?!

One thing is sure: our true dreams and desires can only become real if we stop wasting our lives on meaningless pursuits.

Everybody talks about mental health, but I don't believe all the meditations, "find the job you love" slogans, and pseudo-empathetic job portals are what we need.

Mental Health starts with one thing: Understanding ourselves and our actual needs, emotions, and (unconscious) patterns. Only after that can we meet suitable others in our personal and professional lives!

I had yet to plan a book or an organization. I hadn't planned anything. I just wanted to learn. In conversations with all kinds of people, from homeless people to billionaires. And that's how my own life story came about. Even though it was indeed life on the edge.

Do you love what you set out to do this week? Is this the life you really wanted? If not, get your enthusiasm back.

To live is to risk it all.
Otherwise you’re just an inert chunk
of randomly assembled molecules
drifting wherever the universe blows you.
— Rick Sanchez